Jesse is out of town so I got to take the boys and go enjoy the Holy War football game between the Utes and BYU. Football is not my favorite sport (especially in the cold!) but the boys wanted me to take them. The game didn't start until 4:00, but we decided to go and enjoy all of the fun. (mainly because Jesse had promised the boys HE would take them to enjoy all the fun!) We went up to Salt Lake for the Ute walk at 1:00. What happens with this is you stand along the road by the stadium, amongst the drunkest people in America, and the team gets off the bus and the crowd cheers and you get to see the team up close. Garrett and Hunter loved it! Then we got food and walked around enjoying all of the fun things the radio stations put on and did a little shopping. Final it was time for the big game! Honestly it was a little bit of a culture shock for me! I have been around plenty of drunk people in my life, but I have NEVER seen anything like this! The Ute fans were SO drunk and dare I say just rude to the poor BYU fans that dared come to the game! One of my biggest fears was, if all these people have driven together, who is driving them home and can I go first so that one of them don't kill me and my kids?!?!? :) After getting over my shock, it was a fun game. Poor Garrett had to spend most of it explaining to me what was happening! We even stormed the field after the game was over! (again thanks to Jesse for doing this with the kids on a regular basis causing our kids to expect it!) ;) We got to meet some of the team and even managed to make it off the field alive (barely)! I am glad that we have Utes season tickets so that Jess and the boys can have that father/son bonding time, and I am glad that I got to share it with Garrett and Hunter. Let's face it when you have boys you have to do things that they enjoy right! I don't think that will ever include pedicures, and lunch, but that's ok! Thanks Garrett and Hunter for letting me go with you, and also thanks to Jesse's friend Shane and his wife. They have seats behind us and were nice enough to make sure the boys and I were taken care of.
Garrett and Hunter with red hair. Bo was even excited for the big game with his red stripe!
Garrett and Hunter painted the truck windows!
Garrett was even nice enough to put red stripes in my hair! I was a little afraid they were never going to come out but mine came out better than the boys! Garrett was passing the sacrament on Sunday with his hair still a little red (in our ward of BYU fans)!
Me and the boys before the game.
This was Garrett's attempt to take a picture of the final score. In case you can't make it out, the Utes won 48 to 24. Boy are my kids excited to go to school today and rub it in!