Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mother's Day Enrichment Night

My mom's ward had a Mother's day enrichment night, and Angie and I got to go. They had wedding dresses from the 1930's to the current day being modeled. It was interesting to see how the styles had changed through the years. Well I was lucky enough to get volunteered to wear my mom's dress.

Here's mom in her wedding dress when she got married. Isn't she beautiful!

Here is me in mom's wedding dress. Wow there's a sight! I think mom DEFINITELY looks better! It's a beautiful dress, but I'm a little tall for it!

It was a fun evening and mom's ward had put a lot of work into it. Thanks mom for the invite!


Melanie said...

How fun! Her dress looks great after all these years too.

val m said...

That is so much fun!! You look darling in her dress too!!! I can't believe how much Garrett has changed in his pictures!! He doesn't even look the same to me!