Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy Anniversary Jess!

It was just over 14 years ago that I met Jess. I was 15 (almost 16!) and Jess was 19. My friend had know him for a while and took me over to his trailer one afternoon. It was love at first sight for me and I'm sure Jess would say the same for him! he he I like to tees him and tell him I only fell in love with him for his trailer! Well after dating for 3 years we finally were engaged and married 11 years ago today! I would be lying if I said that our first year of marriage was a smooth ride! It was however an exciting one! (Of course, I mean Jess is married to me! How could it be anything but exciting!) ha ha Over the years Jess and I have gone through a lot together! Tons of good times and a few bad. (Like when we were married for 6 months and he feel into a campfire and had 3rd degree burns down the one side of his body! Good times!)

Jess was even nice enough to
take me to my senior prom!

Our engagment picture. Don't
we look so young!

Our wedding day

We were married in Mapleton on July 1, 1998 I mean 1997! he he I thought it was the most beautiful wedding anyone had ever had! My poor sister was a month away from having her first baby and stood in my line anyway! (sorry Ang!) It was a beautiful day and one I will always look back on with great memories! It's no secret that Jess and I did things a little backwards and started our family before we were married. Garrett was our ringbearer in our wedding and he looked so cute in his little tuxedo! He started walking down the aisle and was doing great until he noticed how many people were there! He threw the pillow with our rings on and layed in the aisle crying! My mom had to rescue him. I definetly would not encourage anyone to start the way we did (with a 2 year old) but I wouldn't change my life for the world! I have an awesome husband who is a great dad to go along with it and treats me great! He also puts up with my craziness too! Hopefully by our next anniversary Jess and I will have gone through the temple together!(hint hint Jess):)

Happy Anniversary Jess!

Thanks for putting up with me over the last 11 years! I love ya!


Kirstin said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY you two. Love you both!!!

Kristy said...

Happy Anniversary! Uhh...weren't you married in 1997??? Spencer and I were married in 1998, 10 years ago and I can't believe it! Time flies when your having fun.

averett's said...

You win the big prize for the day! I wanted to see if everyone was paying attention and you win! I totally knew I was married in 1997 (I think) but thanks for helping me remember! Honestly there are just too many dates for us to remember in July!

Jenny said...

Happy (belated) Anniversary Heather and Jess! I love seeing your cute pictures!

It will be so cool when you two and the boys go to the temple together!